How Interpersonal Psychotherapy Can Help
As a qualified and accredited Interpersonal Psychotherapist, I can support you in your recovery from depression using Interpersonal Therapy (IPT). IPT is an evidence-based therapy which was originally developed to treat recurrent major depression.
IPT, which is also recommended by NICE (2022) for the treatment of depression, acknowledges that both life events/changes, whether planned or unplanned, positive or not, as well as our relationships with others, can be a trigger for, and/or maintenance factor in depression.

The types of concerns that are usually addressed within IPT fall into the following four focal areas:
Role Transition
A significant life change e.g. beginning or ending of a job or a relationship, an illness, a change of home
Role Dispute
An unresolved conflict often involving a mismatch of expectations
Unresolved grief following the loss of a significant person
Interpersonal Sensitivities
A history of experiencing recurring difficulties in forming or maintaining relationships with other people
These focal areas are based on the types of social and interpersonal situations which have been found to be the most stressful for people and are often associated with the development of problems such as depression and anxiety.
Together, through a thorough assessment phase, we can identify the focal area that is most relevant to your current difficulties, which will help you to think about your own specific goals for therapy.